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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Arel wars Android Hack

Gold/cash Hack

Gold Hack

1. Do a mission and earn gold.
2. Search the Value of gold.
3. Once you found the value, (dont edit the value yet) do a mission again, in the middle of the mission, edit the value of gold.
4. Once the mission is finished, game will close itself.
5. Open the game again and the value of gold will be saved.

Cash Hack

1. Do a mission with a cash reward so you can earn cash.
2. Search the Value of cash.
3. Once you found the value, (dont edit the value yet) do a mission again, in the middle of the mission, edit the value of cash.
4. Once the mission is finished, game will close itself.
5. Open the game again and the value of cash will be saved.

Note: Check the combine and upgrade video, you must find a similar address g_gcxglobalmemory@XXXX:XXXX

Leveling up your units

Maybe you noticed too while playing the game:
You can find the values like attack,... if you upgrade and search the new value, but it's only temporary changed.

The solution is something way easier than changing the attack stat:

1. Open Gamecih
2. Search the current level
3. Upgrade your unit and search the new level
Repeat step 2 & step 3 until you have the right offset.

The max. level should be normally 14, but with gamecih you can upgrade the level of your units up to 32767.

Calculation of every upgrade bonus of the unit is different, but easy to reconstruate:
Standart value + (Unit upgrade bonus * level)

Another useful hack are the skill points (full undetected in pvp with my character):
Repeat these steps:

1. Search your actual skill level
2. Upgrade your skill (apply point) and search the new skill level

until you have the right offset.

Warning: skill like the poison bomb or the shuriken are f*cking timekilling(skill duration increases together with the skill level
--> level 900 skill(fuuuuuu)
--> over 900 second attack without end because skills can't finish your opponent

But works in pvp and regular game^^

Have fun ;)

Experience Hack

Hey guys! this game just came out from gamevil on market.

Lets start with experience hack first.

1- Do stage 1 to get some experience points.
2- Press menu and then Hero to see how much exp you have.
3- Open gamecih and search your current exp
4- Go back and do another stage then do steps 2 and 3 again.
5- You should be left with a few results. There should be 2 addresses that start with GlobalMemory
6- Change them both to a higher value.
7- Do another stage and you will level up lots of levels.

Since you have leveld up, you should have plenty of SP points!

1- Search current SP points.
2- Use one up and apply it.
3- Search the new amount of points.
4- Repeat until you have 1 result left.
5- change to any high number!

Combine and upgrade

Skipping levels
1.- Finish the first mission and search 0 (input number)
2.- Finish the second mission and search 1 (input number)
3.- repeat above steps (No. of mission - 1 = Input number to search)
4.- you will find 3 address, change te first to your desired level (the mission is the number 40, so you must change the value to 39) (if the first address wasn't the real hack, change the second

(you can appreciate the level skipping hack in this savedata


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