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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

3D City Runner Android Hacks And Cheats

Name Of Cheat: Hambergers Cheat


- Root Explorer

Steps :

1. Open Root Explorer
2. Navigate to "/data/data/com.letanginc.allinrunner3d/shared_prefs/"
3. Now press and hold file named "com.letanginc.allinrunner3d.xml"
4. Select "Open With" and then select "Text Editor"
5. Find "TotalHambers" and change the value to whatever you like

Open the game and let your Hambergers be 99999.... ! BOOM !

 Name Of Cheat: No Ads


- Root Explorer

Steps :

1. Open Root Explorer
2. Navigate to "/data/data/com.letanginc.allinrunner3d/shared_prefs/"
3. Now press and hold file named "com.letanginc.allinrunner3d.xml"
4. Select "Open With" and then select "Text Editor"
5. Find "isShowAdMob" and change the value to "0"

Open the game and you won't get anymore annoying ads ! 

Name Of Cheat: Distance Cheat


- Root Explorer

Steps :

1. Open Root Explorer
2. Navigate to "/data/data/com.letanginc.allinrunner3d/shared_prefs/"
3. Now press and hold file named "com.letanginc.allinrunner3d.xml"
4. Select "Open With" and then select "Text Editor"
5. Find "HighestScore_maxdistance" and change the value to whatever you like

Open the game and let your Hi-score be 99999.... ! BOOM !


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